• Detailed Essay Writing Instructions: Body Paragraph Examples

    You will be required to write an essay for many classes. It can be a tedious task if you don’t know how to do it. It will require that you develop some ideas and then organize them in a logical manner. Then you will have to articulate and explain these ideas to an audience.

    There are three main parts of an essay. The first part is the introduction. This is designed to introduce or present the topic that you are going to write about. It will include any definitions that may need to be known to understand the topic. It will also include any background information that the reader needs to know. The introduction will include the thesis statement as well. The paper will be concluded by a conclusion paragraph. This will draw your paper together and restate the thesis statement. It can also add something for the reader to think about. The third part of an essay is the body paragraphs. These are the bulk of your paper and are very important. In order to understand how important they are, let’s explore them in a little more depth.

    The body paragraphs will be used to prove your thesis. Each idea should have its own paragraph. You would write your thesis statement including at least three reasons why you support your statement. These each will be explained separately in a body paragraph.

    The body paragraph will start off with a topic statement or sentence. This will introduce to the reader what that paragraph will be about. It is then followed by at least two supporting reasons why you believe the idea and a justification for that belief. There should also be some sort of transition to go from one topic or paragraph to the next.

    Here is an example:

    There are several reasons why breastfeeding is so important but the most important reason is that it provides your baby with all of the nutrients they need. Babies get all of their nutrients and vitamins from their mother’s milk. That is why it is important for parents to choose to breastfeed. The mother also bonds better with the child when they are breast feeding. It is an intimate feeling when you are holding your little one in your arms and you know that you are the only one that can share this bond. It makes it special. Providing your child with the proper nutrition is important but breastfeeding also helps your body get back to normal.

    This paragraph shows you an example of how to write a body paragraph.

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